We deal with all aspects of costs including bill preparation of all Inter Partes bills, including the new precedent S electronic bill, court of protection and Part 8 costs applications . The bill can be of any size and we offer a custom fit service to suit your needs. We can deal with the new electronic bill and will even phase, task and activity your costs for you so you don’t need expense software.
We will also deal with all aspects of the detailed assessment procedure for you. Therefore, if we prepare the bill, we will prepare all the documentation to go with the bill and serve the bill on your behalf, deal with all Points of Dispute, the necessary Replies, offers and negotiations to see if the matter could be dealt with by way of settlement.
We will lodge the papers with the Court for hearing and if necessary attend the detailed assessment hearing.
If you have received a bill of costs with a Notice of Commencement. We will also prepare and advise on any bills your client’s will have to pay, and again, prepare the necessary Points of Dispute and attend at any detailed assessment hearing. Be aware of the time limit for Points of Dispute this is normally 21 days. Do not be caught out. We also advise on costs estimates and Conditional Fee Agreements and from time to time provide seminars for our clients on updating certain costs matters.
Budgets/Electronic bills
What do you do and when do you have to do it? We can help both with preparing the budget and completing the form and moving the case forward to the next budget review. Keep an eye on your costs at all times. The way we prepare the budget those incurred costs will then be ready for bill preparation in electronic format, saving time and money.